Wednesday, February 2, 2011

thank you ALLAH.. OYEN's leg is getting better & better...

assalamualaikum & hello~!

the last entry was a bit gloomy, but this entry is going to be happy!
there's this cat i called OYEN..
he was a stray cat & i oftentimes fed him when i have extra time during lunch hour.
this is an ENTRY i have written some time ago..
about him & the MINI BLACK..
which is a small female stray cat..

oklah.. dah penat berbahasa inggeris..
kita berbahasa melayu pula..
kaki OYEN dah beransur baik.. senang sangat hati rasa tengok keadaan kaki dia tadi.
kalau nak tengok macam mana luka dia masa mula2 saya sedar, sila klik SINI 
sekarang saya nak kongsi video kaki dia lagi, tapi luka nya tu dah hampir sembuh sepenuhnya...
Alhamdulillah.. syukur sangat kepada-Mu Ya Allah..  =)

2 feb 2011


CommenT Here guys~~

~Tabung FurKids~